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خبراء التغذية يناقشون مبادرة "مكونات من مطبخي"

Commitment to simplifying 100% of the ingredients of the products, increasing the amount of vegetables in them and supporting them with micronutrients, while reducing the amount of salt, sugar and trans fats
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جدة، السعودية


Nestlé Middle East hosted a scientific forum that brought together nutrition experts from all over Jeddah, to discuss innovative ways to simplify 100% of the ingredients in packaged food products.

The forum highlighted the Maggi brand and how it has positioned itself as a leader in providing delicious and healthy food, in the context of its efforts to achieve the 20 Commitments to Local Communities published by Nestlé Middle East, including: “Simplify our ingredients”, “Contribute to reducing Reduce the risk of nutritional deficiencies by fortifying products with micronutrients”, “reducing the proportion of salt, sugars and saturated fats in our products”, and “increasing vegetables, grains and legumes, nuts and seeds in our foods and drinks”.

Maggi goes on to provide products that include only ingredients known and loved by everyone, often “ingredients from my kitchen”, which is the name of the initiative launched by Maggi to express and share the results of her transformation journey.

Sarah Kanaan, Director of Nutrition, Health and Wellness at Nestlé Middle East, said: “Investing in studies, research and development over decades has enabled Maggi to reformulate and innovate its products, offering products containing only the ingredients everyone is familiar with, with a commitment to strict food standards and preserve the taste and flavor that consumers have loved for generations.”

Mehdi Katanbaf, Maggi Product Development Chef at Nestlé Middle East, simplified the ingredients of oat soup and “Maggi” broth with a layer of new herbs. The components are completely simplified.

Maggie goes on to provide products that include only ingredients known and loved by everyone, often "Ingredients from My Kitchen", which is the name of the initiative that Maggie launched to express and share the results of her transformation journey.

Currently, the brand's newly launched Mixtures, Excellence Soups and Natural Herbal Chicken Stock meet the requirements and standards of the Ingredients from My Kitchen commitments. By 2020, all Maggi products will meet these standards. It is also indicated that the salt has been gradually reduced in the list of its products, to help individuals adhere to the recommendations of the World Health Organization that the amount of salt consumed per day does not exceed 5 grams. To enhance the flavour, spices, herbs and advanced cooking techniques have been introduced, resulting in a 15% sodium reduction in all Maggi products over the past three years.

Moreover, trans fats have been completely removed from the products, and saturated fats are continually being reduced in order to reduce them. In 2016, Maggi provided 5.1 billion servings of food fortified with iodine, an essential nutrient in which the region is deficient. Maggi aims to increase these stakes to 5.4 billion annually by 2020.

Sarah Kanaan added: “We continue our tireless efforts to provide products that include only ingredients known and preferred by everyone, and nutrition is the centerpiece of all our work, as we are keen to reduce the amount of salt and fat, increase products fortified with nutrients, and add more healthy and beneficial ingredients such as oats and lentils, As well as taking care of all our products from the field to the home, we can eventually provide food that tastes and contributes and encourages individuals and families to the habits of home cooking.”

For more information, please contact:

Lynn Khatib
Nestlé Middle East 


About Nestlé Middle East:

The legacy and history of Nestlé Middle East goes back more than 80 years, specifically to 1934, when the first import operation took place in Lebanon. Today, Nestlé has 18 factories that meet the needs of the region and provide direct employment opportunities for more than 11,000 people as well as indirect employment opportunities for thousands more from different countries in the region.

The list of Nestlé products in the Middle East includes more than 60 innovative products for various categories: milk and infant food products, bottled water, chocolate, coffee, whiteners, breakfast cereals, cooking products, animal food and others, under multiple brands such as: Nestlé Nido, Nestle Nan, S-26, Progress, Maggi, Nescafe, Kit Kat, Coffee mate, Nestle Cerelac, Nestle Pure Life, Nespresso and Nestle Fitness.

For more information about Nestlé Middle East activities, you can visit the social media platforms:

YouTube: .com/user/NestleMiddleEast
Official website:
Nestlé Report in the Community:

For more information about Maggie's events, please visit the social media channels below:

YouTube: /MaggiArabia
Snapchat: MAGGIArabia