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Nestlé’s “Together for Good”

Initiative engages thousands on environmental and social causes
Nestlé’s “Together for Good”

Nestlé’s “Together for Good” initiative – which included an immersive exhibit at Expo 2020 Dubai’s Swiss Pavilion, an accompanying website, and awareness-raising activities from leading influencers on social media outlets – attracted nearly 16,700 visitors to its exhibit which ran from 14 December 2021 to 16 January 2022, as well as more than 39,000 visitors to its website which was online for six months until March 31st 2022. The initiative is slated to conclude in the Fall of 2022, with the planting in the United Arab Emirates of 5,000 Mangrove trees which sequester Carbon Dioxide – rendering them important in the fight against climate change.

The exhibit and website displayed Nestlé efforts to Raise Healthier Kids, Empower Youth, Care for Water, Protect the Environment, and Advance Regeneration. They encouraged people to join in taking action and offered a gamified experience that prompted them to jump, clap, swing, pick up, or stir to be a Force for Good together. Participants were offered a chance to win a prize of a five-night/six-day all-inclusive trip for two to Switzerland, the company’s home country, which was won by Roaa Yaser from Syria.

Related activities on social media platforms included engagement from prominent influencers across the region, each advocating a different objective.

Dr. Carla Habib – a renowned nutritionist, lecturer at the American University of Beirut, and the scientific lead behind the Nestlé Ajyal Salima school education program which aims to encourage children to eat healthier and move more – used her social media pages to offer tips on how to Raise Healthier Kids.

Successful entrepreneur, public speaker, and interviewer Anas Bukhash advocated for efforts to Empower Youth. He helped kick off the Together for Good initiative by moderating a panel discussion at the launch of the exhibit; and conducted a live Questions & Answers session among youth on Instagram, covering the topic of employability in today’s professional world.

Content creator and Dubai TV host Mohammed Al Kaabi focused on raising awareness of how to Care for Water through content on his social media pages aimed at encouraging mindfulness towards water consumption.

Entrepreneur, trainer, athlete, and former mental health professional Nelly Attar focused on how to Protect the Environment. Having reached the top of Mount Everest in 2019, scaled 14 other peaks across the world, and completed roughly 100 scuba-dives in a span of four years, she has witnessed first-hand the environmental implications of inefficient waste management. She shed light on the three Rs of “Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle,” to inspire her audiences to adopt simple practices that create positive impact.

As the first female winner of Top Chef Middle East and a mother, Chef Sama Jaad minimizes food waste at home and at her Jeddah-based restaurant Tomillo. She focused on showcasing simple tools to Advance Regeneration in the Kitchen – ranging from recipes made with leftovers, as well as advice and tips on topics including grocery-shopping more responsibly and increasing the shelf life of produce.

People were also invited to engage with the Together for Good initiative on Nestlé social media platforms on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and by linking posts to the #NestléTogetherForGood hashtag.