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Nestle Desserts Test

Nutrition, Water and Rural Development 2030: the Changing Role of Business

  1. On May 19, 2011, we hosted our third Creating Shared Value Forum in Washington, D.C. in the United States, in partnership with the Atlantic Council.
  3. The Forum provided a platform for global business leaders and top government officials to offer fresh thinking on how businesses and governments can work together to close the gap between commercial needs and development goals.

Panel discussions explored the opportunities, obstacles, and future directions in nutrition, water and rural development in Latin America and Africa. Furthermore, another panel session outlined a way forward for businesses, governments and development up to 2030.

Our Chairman, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (above), emphasised the role of business in a changing global context, and said: “Development flourishes when companies act in a socially responsible way. Making your products responsible, respecting the environment and improving peoples’ lives delivers growth and development."

CSV Forum in the news

Ahead of the Forum, Mr Brabeck-Letmathe spoke to Fox News and CNBC in the United States about Nestlé and Creating Shared Value.

Forum highlights

A selection of video highlights from the Forum are available to watch here.

The five Forum sessions can also be downloaded in full as individual audio podcasts or video podcasts from our media library.