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Top thirst-quenching tips for keeping the kids hydrated this summer

Feeling hot hot hot! Summer is here! It’s hard to press the pause button to your kids’ summer adventures, but staying hydrated is important, especially for the little ones. Here are some handy tips for keeping their hydration levels topped up while they have some fun in the sun.
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How much water do children need to drink daily?

There is no hard and fast rule as to know how much water you need to consume a day1 but most health experts recommend an average of eight glasses a day.

Daily recommended water intake for kids:


Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) Tables. Recommended Daily Allowance and Adequate Intake Values: Total Water and Macronutrients

“Hydration is particularly important for children as they need more water during the day for many reasons among which are: their fast growth rate, higher water percentage of their body, and being generally more active than adults,” says Dr. Carla Habib Mourad, Clinical and Community nutritionist and the Nutritional Behavior Change Expert for Nestlé for Healthier Kids. 

Tips for keeping your children hydrated

“Children usually don’t ask for water as the first option when they are thirsty, and parents need to make it available and fun for them to ask for.” says Joumana Al Dabbagh, Nutrition Specialist at Nestlé Middle East.

1. First choice: Make water your child’s first choice. Provide other beverages such as fresh fruit juices in moderation to avoid the empty calories and extra sugar that could lead to tooth decay.
2. Variety: Try adding slices of fruits such as lemon or orange to water or freeze fruits like berries in ice cubes for a chilled infusion.
3. Fun Choice: Let your kids choose their own drink bottle or serve water in colorful glasses or jugs
4. Fruitful offerings: Offer your child fruits and vegetables that have a high-water content such as: cucumber, tomato, watermelon and strawberries.
5. Encouragement: Remind your child to drink water before, after and during physical activity. The goal is to drink a half cup to two cups of water every 20 minutes while exercising even if your child claims they aren’t thirsty.
6. “TUMMYFISH” App: Nestlé for Healthier Kids “TUMMYFISH” App encourages children to drink more water in a fun way! The App features a fish swimming in a child's tummy that becomes happier and more vigorous when water is chosen over unhealthy drinks. Download this fun educational App here: IOS & Android  

Beat the heat by making drinking water fun! Be a role model, drink water with your kids and make water available at all times!