Nestlé has assumed the number one ranking for land rights on Oxfam’s 2015 Behind the Brands scorecard, where the NGO ranks the world’s ‘Big 10’ consumer food and beverage companies on their policies and commitments to improve food security and sustainability.
Nestlé’s efforts to improve land rights were recognised with an industry leading score of eight out of ten, while the company also outperformed its peers on transparency and water as it boosted its overall score versus Oxfam’s 2014 report.
Oxfam compliments Nestlé for remaining ‘way ahead’ of its peers on social and environmental issues, and commends the company for its implementation of the Nestlé Action Plan on Women in the Cocoa Supply Chain (pdf, 500Kb).
Nestlé is committed to making further progress towards a sustainable food system by working with civil society, government and business, and supports Oxfam’s efforts in this respect.
Read more about the progress that Nestlé is making to meet its societal commitments in the 2014 Nestlé in society: Creating Shared Value summary report (pdf, 4Mb).