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Nestlé teams up with Hispanic mothers to share tips on family life

Hispanic mothers share tips on family life in the USA


Hispanic familyRAISING A FAMILY: The bloggers have plenty of ideas for involving a whole family in activities.

Nestlé has teamed up with a group of mothers in the United States to offer Hispanic consumers tips on parenting and healthier eating.

The company has invited four women who blog on the subject of Hispanic family life to contribute to its new bilingual website El Mejor Nido (The Best Nest).

They write in English and Spanish for the website about their experiences of raising a family in a multi-cultural environment.

Growing number of fans

Their entries appear alongside varied content from Nestlé, which has created El Mejor Nido as part of its commitment to nutrition, health and wellness.

Almost 130,000 people have already signed up to receive the bloggers’ latest posts and other regular communications from the website.

Diverse voices

“We wanted to bring diverse voices together to create a platform where Hispanic consumers can discuss the issues that matter to them about family life,” said Nadine Sterba of Nestlé USA’s emerging markets division.

“Mothers from all walks of life have traditionally enjoyed getting together to learn from each other. Sharing these experiences online is a natural extension of this behaviour.”

The four bloggers; Joselyn Campbell, Ericka Sanchez, Liz Cerezo and Dariela Cruz; are all United States citizens of Hispanic origin.

“Family is central”

With a total of nine children between them, they have plenty of ideas for involving a whole family in activities such as exercising outdoors or preparing meals.

“Family is central to Hispanic consumers’ lives. Food often plays an essential role in preserving their heritage for future generations,” continued Ms. Sterba.

“The website is not only a source of parenting information. It is also a resource for nutrition tips, recipes, cooking videos and facts about Nestlé brands.”

Mothers from all walks of life have traditionally enjoyed getting together to learn from each other. Sharing these experiences online is a natural extension of this behaviour. Nadine Sterba, Nestlé USA’s emerging markets division.

Multi-cultural living

Around 50 million Hispanic people live in the United States, where they represent more than 16% of the national population.

They are the country’s largest ethnic minority, descending from Spain, Mexico, and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

“Hispanic consumers live a blended lifestyle,” explained Ms Sterba. “They are proud to be American but they are also very proud of their Hispanic identity.”

“We want to connect with our consumers by recognising what is important to them and understanding that they want to embrace the best of what any culture has to offer.”

Spanish language

To reach the 76% of Hispanics who regularly watch Spanish language television, Nestlé has also produced a series of El Mejor Nido television commercials in Spanish.

They demonstrate how the company’s wide range of products available in the United States can meet Hispanic consumers’ everyday needs.

Related information:
El Mejor Nido
Nestlé USA

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