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Frequently asked questions


How does applying for jobs work?

By clicking on “Login | Signup” on the top left of this page, applying for a Specific job, or opting to view all jobs, you will automatically be re-directed to our interactive website (Taleo) where you can start by registering your details and creating a username and password. There you can search, apply and check on your application status. Positions posted on this website are available on our interactive website. You will need to search for them using keyword, location or job field. What’s more, you can view jobs posted all around the world in Nestle!

How often are new positions advertised on the site?

New vacancies are advertised on the site on an ongoing basis. It is worth visiting the site regularly to make sure that you don’t miss out on any new opportunities.

Can I apply by post or in person?

Wherever possible, we would like applications to be made online.

How will I benefit by registering my details?

By registering with us, you’ll be able to search for vacancies without having to enter your details each time. You’ll also be able to maintain and update your details whenever you want, and save previous searches so you can access them quickly. Registration also allows our recruiters to search the database and potentially match you with any suitable roles. You will then be contacted and notified of the vacancy.

How long will it take me to register or apply for a job?

The registration process should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to match your details to suitable vacancies, so please take the time to ensure it is as accurate and complete as possible. If you’re applying for a job, set aside around 30 minutes. This will allow you to complete the covering letter and answer specific questions about the vacancy.

Who has access to my data once I’ve registered?

Your details will only be seen by Nestlé recruiters and the line manager responsible for the specific vacancy you have applied for.

What will the recruitment process involve?

The process will differ from role to role. In general, it could involve a telephone interview and a selection event at a Nestlé site. If you are successful, you may be invited in to see the department or meet the line managers.

How will you get in touch with me?

If you’ve applied online and have included your email address, we will contact you via email. Please ensure the email address you provide is accurate and is one you access regularly.

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Please send us any questions you may have through the Contact Us form