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Nutritional information and guidance
Our commitment: Deliver nutrition information and advice on all our labels
We believe in empowering consumers to make informed choices. This is why we promote labels based on Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs), which inform consumers about the nutritional composition of a serving of food or beverage, as defined by calories, sugars, fats and other nutrients. They also show comparisons with reference daily guidelines.
Our objectives
By 2016: All our relevant food and beverage products worldwide will have Guideline Daily Amount (GDA)-based labels on front of pack to inform consumers about nutritional content.
By 2016: Introduce GDA-based labelling, based on children’s reference values, to all products designed for children, where regulations allow, to help parents make better nutritional choices for children.
By 2016: Make information more accessible by providing further product information and nutrition advice on pack, via Quick Response (QR) codes for smartphones.
Our progress
Relevant products with front-of-pack GDA-based labels (%)

Year | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
Progress | 53.5% | 79.7% | 89.2% |
Due to differing regulations, not all countries allow GDA-based labels to be implemented on packs. Where these labels are not yet allowed, we work with regulatory bodies to promote the benefits of GDAs, as well as investing in consumer education and engagement. In 2015, we had GDA labelling on 89.2% products; where regulations allow, 91.4% of relevant products designed for children used children’s GDAs.
Consumers can also learn more about the composition of food and beverage items, get dietary advice or tips for preparation through the product information that is now being provided via 3000 product websites covering 78 brands in 50 countries.