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What about Maggi noodles exported from India?

Nestlé India currently exports Maggi noodles to Nestlé in Canada, UK, Singapore and Kenya and to third parties in the US, Australia and New Zealand.

The noodles made for the export market are the same as those sold in India, although Canada requires a different kind of salt to be used. Packaging materials are designed to meet the regulatory requirements of each importing country.

Food standards authorities in USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand have all tested samples of Maggi noodles and confirmed that they are safe to eat.

Read more about tests conducted by other countries confirming Maggi noodles are safe to eat:

  • The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) food safety investigation into Maggi noodles did not find any health risks associated with the consumption of Maggi brand noodle products sold in Canada.

    Updated information for consumers on Maggi brand noodle products from India

    2 July 2015 – On June 5, 2015, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued a Consumer Advisory regarding the actions taken in response to the incident in India involving Maggi brand noodles, including Nestlé's removal of products from the Indian marketplace.

    The CFIA's food safety investigation did not find any health risks associated with the consumption of Maggi brand noodle products sold in Canada.

    The CFIA takes food safety concerns very seriously. We are continuing to monitor the situation in India and are working with our international regulatory partners. The CFIA will advise the Canadian public should any food safety risk be identified.

  • The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) has confirmed that results from testing samples of Maggi noodles in the UK have all found that levels of lead in the product are well within EU permissible levels and would not be a concern to consumers. Read the FSA statement below:

    Maggi noodles testing results released

    1 July 2015 – The FSA can confirm that results from testing samples of Maggi noodles in the UK have all found that levels of lead in the product are well within EU permissible levels and would not be a concern to consumers.

    Following an incident in India, where a sample of Maggi noodles was reported to contain high levels of lead, the Food Standards Agency made the decision to test a selection of Maggi noodles as a precaution. In India, this incident has resulted in a large scale withdrawal of the product.

    Nestlé informed the FSA that the only variety of Maggi noodles they import into the UK from India is the ‘masala flavour.’ The FSA has now tested this flavour and others from the Maggi noodles range, as a precaution. As well as tests carried out by local authorities, the FSA has also asked Nestlé to provide it with test results from its own samples.

    All showed levels of lead to be well within EU permissible levels. The total number of samples taken from Nestlé, local authorities and port authorities were around 900 in total.

  • Testing by the National Measurement Institute in Australia has confirmed that Maggi noodles manufactured in India and imported by Australia are completely safe to eat. Testing showed that levels of lead were well within the acceptable limits set by the regulator, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. Read the statement by Nestlé Australia below:

    Maggi noodles from India confirmed as safe

    19 June 2015 –Testing by the National Measurement Institute in Australia has confirmed that Maggi noodles imported from India are completely safe to eat.

    Testing showed that levels of lead were well within the acceptable limits set by the regulator, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.

    Indian-made Maggi noodles sold in Australia are imported by a third party distributor, not by Nestlé Australia, and are generally sold through specialist Indian grocery channels.

    However, as Nestlé Australia stands by the quality and safety of our products, wherever they are made, the company commissioned local testing in addition to the extensive testing conducted.

    Nestlé Australia will share these test results with Australian food authorities.

    Maggi noodles sold through general retail are imported by Nestlé Australia from Malaysia.

  • Tests by Singapore’s Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) have confirmed that Maggi noodles available in Singapore, including those produced in India, meet Singapore’s food safety standards and do not pose food safety risks to consumers. Read the statement by Nestlé Singapore below:

    Nestlé and Singapore food authority confirm Maggi noodles are safe

    11 June 2015 – Nestlé Singapore reassures consumers that Maggi noodles in Singapore are absolutely safe for consumption. Nestlé has tested around 1,000 batches of Maggi noodles in its own laboratories, and 600 more batches in an independent laboratory. These tests covered batches totalling 125 million packets of noodles.

    Furthermore, results from the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority’s (AVA) recent food safety tests on Maggi noodles available in Singapore, including those produced in India, showed that the noodles met Singapore’s food safety standards and do not pose food safety risks to consumers. On 8 June, AVA confirmed that Maggi noodles available in Singapore are safe for consumption.

    Nestlé would like to reassure consumers that the quality and safety of our products are the top priorities for our company.


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