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Nestlé publishes its 2014 Nestlé in society summary report

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The 2014 Nestlé in society: Creating Shared Value report (link to report), published today, sets out the progress Nestlé has made in meeting its societal commitments. 

The report, published in summary form with our Annual Report to shareholders, gives stakeholders the opportunity to scrutinise Nestlé’s progress during 2014 against 38 specific objectives. The full online version of the report will be available from 7 April. 

Three new commitments cover responsible marketing to children, ensuring that all employees and stakeholders can easily report possible compliance violations and work against corruption and bribery.

 “These commitments guide our management and all of us at Nestlé across Business Units, Zones and markets in our collective efforts to reach these specific objectives,” said Nestlé CEO Paul Bulcke. “We meet regularly with NGOs, academics, multilateral agencies, governments and others to listen and learn from their criticisms and encouragement. Our efforts are strengthened by this dialogue.” 

Some of the highlights of the 2014 report include:

• Nestlé water discharges per tonne of product have dropped by 52% since 2005.

• 72 Nestlé factories achieved zero waste for disposal. 

• Nestlé needs YOUth helped 11,832 young people in Europe find work or apprenticeships.

 Read the report in other languages