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التنوع والشمول



نحن في نستله ، ندفع التنوع والإدماج من خلال تأثيرنا على:


من خلال بناء ثقافة شاملة ، والاستفادة من الاختلافات بين موظفينا عند العمل معًا


عن طريق التصرف والانخراط بطريقة شاملة مع المجتمع وأصحاب المصلحة في بيئات العمل

المتنوعة لدينا عبر سلسلة القيمة بأكملها


من خلال التفكير في احتياجات العملاء والزبائن المتنوعين في منتجاتنا وخدماتنا والشمول في

إمكانية الوصول إليها - في أي وقت وفي أي مكان

يعني احترام التنوع احترام طرق التفكير الأخرى ، والثقافات الأخرى ، وجميع جوانب المجتمع ، ويتطلب الانفتاح والشمولية في جميع تفاعلاتنا داخل وخارج الشركة.

التنوع والشمول جزء لا يتجزأ من ثقافة نستله. نحن نهدف إلى توفير ثقافة مكان العمل التي تولد فرصًا متكافئة للجميع ، حيث يتم التعامل مع الناس بكرامة واحترام. نحن الآن بصدد توسيع جهودنا لتعزيز هذه الثقافة الشاملة. إنها تساعدنا على الاستفادة من المهارات والمعارف والخبرات الفريدة لقوى العمل المتنوعة لدينا.


لقد كان التوازن بين الجنسين أولوية بالنسبة لنا منذ عام 2008 ، وساعدنا في زيادة عدد النساء على جميع المستويات في المنظمة. نريد أن نكون شركة متوازنة بين الجنسين من خلال تهيئة الظروف المواتية في بيئة عملنا لتحقيق زيادات سنوية في النسبة المئوية للمديرات وكبار القادة. تشمل مبادراتنا العالمية والمحلية المتعلقة بالتنوع بين الجنسين ما يلي:

  • فرص التطوير: برامج التوجيه والتدريب
  • بيئة عمل مرنة وداعمة
  • أحداث نموذج الدور ، المائدة المستديرة ومناقشات الشبكة
  • تدريب على تنمية المهارات القيادية وورش عمل التحيز اللاواعي
  • سياسة حماية الأمومة (pdf، 1Mb)

of managerial roles are held by women worldwide


We have embedded gender balance in all its Human Resources practices. We have made progress in recent years increasing the number of women in managerial positions. As of 2018, 43% of these roles are held by women.We will now put a particular emphasis on increasing the proportion of women in the group’s top 200 senior executive positions from around 20% currently to 30% by 2022. This target is a further step in Nestlé’s journey towards gender parity.

We believe that a more diverse workforce with more women at the top will reinforce our inclusive culture and make Nestlé an even better company. We are setting measurable goals to hold ourselves accountable. We know that improving gender balance will lead to better decisions, stronger innovation and higher employee satisfaction.

Mark Schneider, Nestlé CEO




In 2019, we have laid out an action plan to increase the number of women in senior executive positions globally. The Gender Balance Acceleration Plan includes the following specific actions:

  • Supporting all managers to foster an inclusive workplace and ensuring that they are trained on unconscious bias;
  • Encouraging the use of Nestlé’s paid parental leave program and flexible work policies in place in all Nestlé operating companies;
  • Enhancing mentoring and sponsorship programs to prepare high-potential women for senior executive positions;
  • Hiring and promoting more women in senior executive positions;
  • Reviewing results with senior leaders to promote gender balance and ensure progress;
  • Continuing our efforts to champion equal pay and eliminate conditions that create gender pay gaps;
  • Reporting progress in the Nestlé’s annual Creating Shared Value report.

Nestlé part of the Gender Equality Index 2019

The Nestlé Gender Balance Acceleration Plan strengthens our existing commitment to enhance gender balance in our workforce. We are confident that everyone, men and women, will play a key role in advancing gender equality and creating a better place to work.

Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch, Executive Vice President, Head of Group Human Resources and Business Services

With its 308,000 employees from 177 different nationalities and its presence in 189 countries, cultural agility is very important to Nestlé and we support it through different programs for Nestlé leaders and employees to:

  • Understand the impact of cultural differences on how people do business;
  • Understand how to give feedback according to different cultures;
  • Learn how communication and social behavior differs across cultures and how to adapt ourselves accordingly

These programs include cultural agility workshops and e-learning solutions.


At Nestlé, Diversity & Inclusion measures include ensuring integration and equality for people across all generations. In 2017, Nestlé France organised a Millennials Day, which involved reverse mentoring workshops and intergenerational exchanges and debates. The day also featured a Millennials Challenge, requiring teams of millennials to develop and present proposals on how to build the ‘Nestlé of tomorrow’. The teams selected as finalists were invited to present their proposals to senior management.


خلق مكان عمل شامل للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقات

كما أن أكبر شركة للمواد الغذائية والمشروبات في العالم ، بما في ذلك الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة هي أولوية. نحن نوظف 2،696 من ذوي الإعاقات *. نحن نهدف إلى تعزيز ثقافة تعتمد على نقاط القوة وتركز  على القدرات.

تم تطوير إجراء تقييم ذاتي عالمي لجميع أسواقنا لتقييم مستوى التضمين وأنواع الأنشطة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في مكان العمل.  الهدف هو تتبع أفضل الممارسات والإجراءات في المجالات التالية:

  • التدريب والتوعية
  • العودة إلى ممارسة العمل
  • إمكانية الوصول إلى المواقع وترتيبات مكان العمل

* نظرًا للوائح الخصوصية ، يعكس هذا الرقم فقط تلك البلدان التي تمكنت من الإبلاغ عنها.




Nestlé France recognized Employer of the Year at European Diversity Awards 2014, thanks to its efforts on employment of people with disabilities.


We also expand our efforts to strengthen our inclusive workplace culture by raising awareness about LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, +) and collaborating with external organizations.


Since 2018, we are publicly supporting the United Nations Standards of Conduct to support the business community in tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people.


Our local efforts have for example been rewarded in the US: Nestlé USA and Nestlé Purina PetCare received scores of 95% and 100% respectively on the 2018 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a national benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) workplace equality, administered by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.

Our ongoing training programs, workshops and best practice exchanges on Diversity & Inclusion as well as Unconscious Bias aim to ensure that all our employees integrate our guiding vision.  In 2017, we launched a series of local conferences across the world called “Leading Together”. These conferences bring together women and men of all generations at all levels to discuss and debate how we can accelerate our Diversity & Inclusion journey.

As of 2019, Nestlé has over 25 employee networks worldwide.

One of the catalyst solutions for sustaining a long-term diverse and inclusive culture is minimizing the hindering effects of unconscious bias in our working environment.

Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and these biases stem from one’s tendency to organize social worlds by categorizing.

The workshops and the training tools that we run on the topic are deemed very enlightening and are highly popular among our employees:

Our workshops provide the employees with the opportunity to freely express themselves, share real-life workplace biases and come to practical resolutions on their interpersonal relationships.

The training programs and testing tools that the employees have at their disposal allow them to discover and measure the biases they may be unaware of and to follow recommendations for their personal development as well as the development of our culture. In 2018, 1’464 employees received such training, bringing the total to 12’120 since 2015.

More on Unconscious Bias:

Nestlé India developed a customized module in Hindi to train factory employees; 135 union members across four factories were trained, and they cascaded the program to employees, supported by the factories’ HR teams. The programme has be extended to other factories in 2018.

Nestlé Middle East organized a two-day diversity and inclusion event for senior managers’ committee (Mancom) members, facilitated by the Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion. The Awareness Workshop in English was recorded and made available to all employees, with subtitles in Arabic and Farsi.
